Update on "The Jenny Project" in 2017

▶︎ The Jenny Project (April Updated) Sony A7S Mk ii (S Log 2) ◀︎

Sony A7S Mk ii (S Log 2)
Sony 28mm F2
Macbook Pro 15" 
Edited on Adobe Premiere CC
Graded with FilmConvert Pro

•Track: Uber - ArizonaZervas
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/arizonazervas

Victor Escobar

DJ Been DJ from The age of 9 years old had no one to teach me // Still going strong doing what I love! Photographer I have been taking photos since i can remember messing around with my dads camera wasting the film and now i own 3 cameras and i use them very wisely because with great gear come great responsibilities Video Producer/Shooter/Editor Started shooting videos in high school for classes so me and my friend can get a passing grade and extra credit. after a while of shooting and editing my video, they started telling me that i was very talented in that and i should make it as a career/business. have been shooting, producing, and editing for about 4 years now.